Open, scalable and validated reference architecture
Introducing the future of Open Time Servers:
Scalable design for seamless time distribution
External source, like GNSS signal
Aligned with DC accuracy and stability
Embracing open-source software
Open Time Server
The Open Time Server (OTS) is a project within OCP-TAP to democratise timing solutions and the G0kK-1 Series is the most powerful deployment to date.
What is it?
The Timecard and Timebeats expertise allows any x86 machine with a NIC capable of hardware time-stamping to be turned into a best-in-class Grandmaster time system.
x86 Servers Transformed in No Time
This system is agnostic to whether it runs for NTP, PTP, SyncE or any other time synchronisation protocol since the accuracy and stability provided by Timecard is sufficient for almost any system.
Open Source
Discover the ideal solution for your needs from a diverse range of options designed to accommodate various environments.
Customisable holdover and network speeds
OCXO 1.5μs/24hr
Rubidium 300ns/24hr
Traditional grand master clocks have limitations:
Hardware appliances, not ideal for data centers (DCs)
Non-standard interfaces and software
Lengthy, expensive development cycles
Lacking open-source software
Inaccurate for DC requirements